How Bank ATM works Logic behind this system

    How Bank ATM works Logic behind this system

    On cash you are short, so to the automated teller machine you walk over, into the card reader insert your card, on the screen to the prompt respond, with your money and a receipt and with a minute you walk. At most supermarkets these machines can now be found, travel centers and convenience. How Bank ATM works Logic behind this system

    How do ATMs Work:

    With four output devices and how input an ATM is imply a data terminal. Any other data terminal like, to connect to the ATM has, and through communicate, a host processor. To an Internet service provider the host processor is analogous became available the cardholder that it is the gateway though which all the various ATM network.

    Either leased-line or dial-up machines most hot processors can support. Through a four-wire lased-line machines connect directly to the host processor, point-to-point, telephone line dedicated. Using a modem and a tool-free number Dial-up ATMs connect to the host processor through a normal phone line, by modem using a local access number through an internet service provider. Of their thru-put capability leased-line ATMs are preferred for very high volume locations, then thru-put where cost is a greater factor dial-up ATMs are preferred for retail merchant locations. For lease line of the costs only a fraction the monthly operating costs door dial-up.

    By a bank or financial institution the host processor may be owned, an independent service provides it may be owned. Only bank-owned  machines banl-owned processor normally support, owned machines the independent processor support merchant whereas.

    ATM machine parts:

    Who has an ATM you are probably one of the million. As you know, tow inputs devices an ATM has:

    • Card reader – of an ATM/debit or credit card on the magnetic strip the card reader captures the account information. To the cardholder’s bank the transaction the host processor uses this information to route.
    • Keypad- od transaction is requires the keypad lets the cardholder tell the bank what king and for what amount. Also, the cardholder’s personal identification number for verification the bank requires the cardholder’s. to the host processor in encrypted form Federal law require that the PIN block be sent.

    And four output devices an ATM has:

    • Speaker – when a key is pressed with auditory feedback the speaker provides the cardholder.
    • Display screen – of the transaction process through each step the display screen prompts the cardholder. A monochrome or color CRT display leased-line machines commonly. A monochrome or color LCD Dial-up machines commonly uses.
    • Receipt Printer – with a paper receipt of the transaction the receipt printer provides the cardholder.
    • Cash dispenser – the safe and a cash dispensing the heart of an ATM is. Is a safe that contain the case the entire bottom portion of most small ATMs/

    As a system how an ATM works?

    That accepts deposits and dispenses cash ATM is a banking terminal. On a magnetic stripe the user’s account number and PIN or debt or credit card that contain ATMs are activated by inserting cash.

    How Bank ATM works Logic behind this system
    How Bank ATM works Logic behind this system

    In ATM which programming language can be used?

    The instruction used which provide an ease to read and comprehend the ATM Program in C is written in C programming language. An account individually on the concept of handling this program for using ATM machine.


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