Learn Latin to master other languages

Learn Latin to master other languages

Furthermore, 80% of the Romance languages, used by more than a billion individuals around the world, come from Latin . Today, the universal language is English; in Roman times it was Latin.

The Latin alphabet is the most widely used in the world.
Latinists have it easier: it will be much easier for them to understand languages ​​such as Italian, Romanian or other Romance languages.

English is not a Romance language like French, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, or Portuguese. However, 70% of its lexicon is of Latin origin.

Furthermore, these Romance languages ​​are official languages in all intergovernmental institutions in Western countries.

Studying the Latin language helps to function better in other European languages , given its influence throughout Europe during the Middle Ages: since it was impossible for the elites to understand the many regional languages, Latin was the language of communication from the north of England to the Balkan countries.

Therefore, its impact is notable in all the languages ​​that emerged over the centuries after the passage of Rome: the Romance languages.

For example, when it comes to translating a noun, an adjective, an adverb or a verb between Spanish, French, Portuguese and Latin, there is an incredible proximity.

For Spanish speakers, it is easier to learn Italian or French than German, because knowing the ending and the Latin conjugation allows us to deduce the syntactic and grammatical composition of the Spanish phrase.

In these languages, nouns, adjectives and verbs agree in gender and number, however, they are conjugated in an analogous way in the Latin language.

Former students in Latin classes may not need to wonder why standard Italian – Tuscan – is different from Latin, originating from the same place: the Italian peninsula.

From the founding of Rome to the heyday of their empire, the Romans have spread the Latin language throughout Italy. But there were dozens of dialects more or less close: Latin, but also ancient Greek, Etruscan, Umbrian , etc.

That is why Italian is close to the Latin language, but not similar. A Latin Spanish and Italian dictionary allows you to realize. Learn Latin to master other languages

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