Our tips to stay fit and fat
That Nami has that wasp waist is thanks to Sanji’s balanced cooking. Do the same and you will have a flat stomach!
Losing belly fat mass has never been a trivial matter and you need to know what foods to eat and what activities to do to get rid of those extra love handles. Superprof offers you to discover the best tips to lose belly and increase metabolism!
Foods and drinks that promote a flat stomach: Our tips to stay fit and fat
To maximize fat loss, it is necessary to consume specific foods and beverages with a low calorie intake and fat burning properties. Among these foods, we obviously find fruits and vegetables, foods rich in fiber that contain the necessary sugars for the day.
In terms of drinks, we recommend green tea or an infusion that will help you eliminate fat. However, the liquid that you should ingest par excellence is water. Drinking plenty of water during the day is recommended for all diets. It has several advantages if it is drunk abundantly:
Satisfy hunger.
Improves the digestive system.
It favors the elimination of toxins.
It does not involve any calorie intake and does not contain carbohydrates.
In summary, you can consume a lot of water, but also teas or infusions, caffeinated drinks and eat foods rich in fiber, but also proteins and dishes seasoned with spices , very good for reducing appetite and contributing to good digestion.