Quercetti & C. is a historic educational toy factory that has been producing its intelligent games entirely in Italy for over 60 years. QUERCETTI & C. – SMART PLAY
In 1950 Alessandro Quercetti founded his toy factory making a specific commitment: to turn the dreams of children all over the world into reality.
The great success came in 1953, when Alessandro developed a simple and ingenious game: the nail. Thus began a 60-year-long story that led the game of pegs to become the global success that it still is today.
Nails but not only. From the great passion for flight of the Turin creative, spectacular flying games will be born, such as the legendary Tor toy missile, still in production after 55 years, the best-selling toy ever at Quercetti, second only to the pegs. Or the amazing marble tracks that have made young and old rediscover a traditional game, making it new and colorful.
Products strongly linked to tradition, like all the Made in Italy games of this historic Piedmontese brand, but which arise from new and always different intuitions. toy world.
The most striking example is the new Pixel Art, a composition game that allows you to create portraits and works of art through the use of thousands of colored pegs.Born from a basic historical element, the peg, the idea of this game is contaminated by elements far from the toy universe. Like the careful study of the world of photography and the principle of “optical mixture”, or that of a precise pictorial current, the pointillist one.
Quercetti & C. is today one of the very few companies in the sector that can boast direct control of the entire production chain. The entire cycle of production, concept, prototyping, development, construction of molds, molding, packaging, shipping is carried out in Italy with resident labor, developing an induced on the territory. Producing in Italy allows you to maintain the skills and know-how in our country, and above all it allows you to control the quality of each product from the beginning to the end of processing.
This is the plus value of the Made in Quercetti games. Games whose value lasts over time and cannot be undermined by technological innovation, on the contrary it feeds on it. Games that lead to sociability, relationships with friends, parents, giving an added value compared to electronic games. Games that respond to that innate need for dexterity and contact that not even digital natives can do without.