Security measures in schools

Security measures in schools

Security measures in schools

To begin with, as you know, the educational centers have established a series of security measures so that the return to classes is as calm and safe as possible.

One of the measures is frequent hand washing.: Security measures in schools

First of all, there has to be a safe distance between students of at least 2 meters to prevent the spread of the virus between students and teachers. Likewise, if it is decided that the class is outdoors or when exercising, children and adolescents must have enough space to maintain this distance.
Second, the use of a mask will be mandatory from a certain age, which varies according to the autonomous community. For example, in the Balearic Islands, Cantabria and Madrid it will be from 1st year of Primary, while in Galicia it will be from 3 years.
In addition, students must wash their hands very frequently and must learn to cough and sneeze into the elbow.
Likewise, the facilities must be disinfected daily and, if there is a dining room, food preparation must be carried out in safe conditions.
The entrance and exit of the school will be staggered to avoid crowds, as well as the hours of eating in case there is a dining room. In addition, the number of students per classroom will be reduced and the so-called coexistence groups will be created so that the smallest students always have contact with the same people.
The classes will be face-to-face and semi-face-to-face, depending on the course and the autonomous community, and the possibility of them being fully online in case of outbreaks is contemplated. In some cases, extracurricular activities will be suspended and the cafeteria will be canceled.
On the other hand, parents should take their children’s temperature every morning and not take them if they have more than 37.5 degrees of fever. They should also notify the center and make an appointment with the doctor so that, if necessary, request a PCR to check if the student has coronavirus.
Many autonomous communities have carried out PCR on teachers and other employees of the centers and will continue to do so throughout the course to guarantee the health of students and teachers. People who are in risk groups will also be specifically cared for.
The COVID-19 coordinator will also be mandatory in schools in all autonomous communities. This is a new figure who will be in charge of all aspects related to the virus and will act as an interlocutor with the health services.
Finally, another measure that many of the autonomous communities have taken is the hiring of new teachers and the distribution of new digital equipment so that the blended and online classes are carried out in the best possible way.

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