Top 5 German student cities

Top 5 German student cities

If you decide to study in Germany, Berlin is not the only option available. There are lesser known German cities, but that may attract you even more than the capital.
Here we present you the five best university cities in Germany .

Constanza, the university student: Top 5 German student cities

Located near the lake of the same name, Constanza is  a true university town.  In fact, its modern university is one of the ten most prestigious universities in the country.
The city of Constance is located near the lake of the same name.
It is particularly known for its small group German courses. In addition, it offers  many cultural events  that will make you live a total immersion in the country.

Tübingen, the contemplative: Top 5 German student cities

With a typical architecture of the Middle Ages , its old town and its famous castle, students consider Tübingen as a haven of peace.
The University of Tübingen, one of the oldest in Germany, welcomes no less than 29,000 students each year.
The famous people who have studied there have made this picturesque city famous: the famous astronomer Kepler or Pope Benedict XIII.

Historic Gottingen: Top 5 German student cities

Göttingen, with a population of 130,000, is one of the largest student cities in Germany.
There are many residences for students and its university stands out for being a “mine” of mathematicians, although there is a great variety of studies: life sciences, humanities, biology, environmental sciences …
There is an  excellent bus network,  many clubs, bars and restaurants: this city has been able to adapt to the particular needs of students.

The traditional Heidelberg: Top 5 German student cities

In addition to being  a particularly pleasant German city  with its old town and beautiful Church of the Holy Spirit, Heidelberg is another favorite destination for students. His university offers traditional majors, and others less, such as politics, rhetoric or culture.
His theater company, in which only non-native German students can perform, has become a cult figure across the country.

Bonn, the university city par excellence: Top 5 German student cities

Being a true city-museum , Bonn meets all the requirements of the students.
First of all, it is steeped in history and its setting is idyllic. In addition, the many bars and clubs in the city have very attractive prices. Even the residences have their own bar!
The university is spread over 350 buildings throughout the city, making it a unique faculty!
The ranking of the best German universities
If you want to study in Germany, apart from knowing the best cities to live in, you should know which are the most prestigious universities where to study.
Keep in mind that there are 42 German universities among the top 800 universities in the world. And among them are:
The Technical University of Munich for the natural sciences. Education is free and teachers are nationally famous. Students have the opportunity to study economics, medicine, physics, mathematics, civil engineering …
The Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich for the social sciences,  where they have studied about 34 Nobel laureates. For € 52 per semester, you can study educational sciences, literature, art history …
The University of Konstanz for politics. They offer studies on politics, science, economics, humanities …

The advantages of working in Germany

Another reason for young people who decide to go to Germany is the job offer. As it is not necessary to have a residence permit or a work permit  to get a job in Germany,  many Spaniards decide to go there to work. And it is that working in Germany has many advantages .

The difference in salary

While in Spain the Minimum Interprofessional Salary is just over 700 euros, in Germany it is double: € 1,473 per month.
Also, depending on the jobs, the pay can be even more interesting. For example, in research sectors such as chemistry, automotive or computer science, as a general rule, the German salary can reach 3,200 euros per month.

What differences are there between Spain and Germany in terms of salary?

You certainly have a good chance of finding work in Germany, especially considering that the unemployment rate in Germany is at its lowest level since reunification in 1990.
More responsibility
In general,  jobs in Germany offer more responsibility ; Especially if you are a manager or similar, you will have to take care of more people than in Spain.
Obviously, this added responsibility will entail managing more issues, which is surely demanding, but can be enriching.

Gain experience

Working in Germany will be a very positive point on your CV. By discovering a new company culture, learning  ‘German management’  and stepping out of your comfort zone, you will gain much more experience.
For most recruiters,  having worked abroad  is an important advantage, because it demonstrates a good adaptability and a good level of the language.

Recruitment companies in Germany

To facilitate your professional insertion in Germany and increase your chances of finding a long-term job, recruitment companies in Germany are an excellent alternative that should not be missed.
They act as intermediaries between the different companies with which they collaborate and the candidates who are looking for a stable job.

How do German recruitment companies work?

After the interview to find out your profile,  your motivation and your language skills,  the follow-up is personalized. They also have a coaching system that will allow you to present the best of yourself to  your possible German boss.

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