5 tips to create content
I am sure that we have all faced these types of situations
This morning when I got to work I went to my cubicle, turned on the computer, opened the file to make my grill for next week and suddenly… huumm! my mind at zero, I thought of some post no ideas but obviously they have already been carried out … ideas urge me and I don’t know what to do, I automatically panic.
There are days without any creativity in mind, where no matter how much you think and think, ideas do not flow. Keep reading because I will give you 5 #tips to create content on social networks.
Turn off your cell phone!: 5 tips to create content
That’s right, although it may seem absurd, getting away from the cell phone and the computer will help you a lot to remove stress and this will help you clear your mind. If possible, take a break, have a coffee, read a book, eat chocolates, listen to music or do a hobby.
This process is very normal and even your bosses should be able to understand that creativity is not homogeneous, you have to give it time and if they do not understand it, it is natural not to expect the best job or result.
Search: 5 tips to create content
Search for fanpages, websites, images, videos, content that are related to your area, be careful! Do not copy and paste! it’s just to give you an idea. This will help you generate ideas and when you least expect it, you will have a new publication.
Applications: 5 tips to create content
Some programs like Adobe Spark, Canva, Stencil, Desygner, and Venngage can help you create content in a fun, easy, and efficient way. Lean on these, when you see the designs and when inquiring into these apps your creativity will flow.
In this article I show you how they are used so that you get the most out of them. Also check this one , it will help you a lot to make animated infographics easy and fast.
Remember that a calendar is essential for every Community Manager (we created a 2020 calendar for Community Managers by country, check here ).
Lean on this to create content on important dates or holidays. I assure you that your followers will love it, the posts of special dates always work, you will also help to remember important days for your community and you will achieve interaction.
Take a chance!
Sometimes we already know which posts work on our page, that is why we create a comfort zone (so to speak) and we do not risk experimenting with new publications. Generate original content that you haven’t published before.
A tip that I give you to generate a lot of interaction is to polarize: Use conflicting points of view, ask for opinions on a topic, generate opinion too.
I hope that these tips will be of great help to you and that you can put them into practice, comment what you think and what activities you do to create content on social networks, we will be reading you. Until next time!