Gyms for women
Fitness has been around for more than sixty years. Women are the main clients of gyms and are a key target for marketing and advertising.
According to the 2015 Spanish Sports Habits survey , there are more women subscribing to gyms than men: 19.4% of the female population compared to 16% of men.
Seduction, aesthetics, the beauty of an attractive, slim and slender body sell. Women are often used in photos in catalogs and on websites to attract new customers.
Companies often use models to sell their products. This motivates consumers to do sports to look alike.
Many join women’s gyms . A survey published by Cosmopolitan Body magazine found that 14% of women felt intimidated in the gym because men were leering at them while training.
There are certain rooms that are not accessible to men.
StyleT Gym
As for the rates, they are between € 35 and € 80 per month, somewhat more expensive than the low cost.
However, there are group classes, from step to zumba, choreographies danced to the rhythm of music or stretching, for example.