Are literati lower paid?

Are literati lower paid?

In the same way that preconceptions persist about the so-called laziness and bohemian nature of students who have chosen language and literature, so do prejudices about the salary of literary professionals .

However, when we want to enter the labor market, the question of salary is important.

We want to earn a good living , and this of course comes naturally!

Literature salary
Become rich after studying Language and Literature?

First of all, it must be specified that the expression “being well paid” is subject to each individual’s interpretation.

A recent survey by the French newspaper Les Echos shows that for the French someone is rich from € 5,000.

But, this same study indicates that, if 33% of those surveyed are well paid from € 3,000 per month, the other 15% consider it to be up to the € 10,000 threshold.

In theory, within the same profession important differences can be found in terms of salaries.

Take the example of a best-selling writer who can earn millions from a single book and compare it to another who will be forced to find a temporary job in parallel ( private language arts teacher , for example) to cover his basic needs.

Some lawyers can earn € 8,000 per month, while others do not reach the symbolic threshold of € 2,000!

Do not hesitate to do exercises regularly and take Spanish classes to progress in the written and oral part, and also do not forget to communicate frequently with other students for a complete immersion in the Spanish language and literature .

Are you looking for a language and literature teacher ? You will find thousands of ads on! Are literati lower paid?

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