Being bilingual in French: how long does it take?

Being bilingual in French: how long does it take?

Let us be interested in a crucial question for students of elementary French : how long does it take to be bilingual in French?
But what is it to be bilingual in French? Is it about knowing how to write, speak and read in French? Get a good grade on the DELF? Dream in French?
Depending on the methods and the people, speaking French well takes more or less time.
The answers are variable, as is the time it may take …
The time it takes always depends on the method used. With private lessons, you have to wait several months or years. As for language immersion, it can be 6 months of full immersion: placement, work, active life, friendly and loving relationships …
In addition, in parallel to these 2 methods, today it is recommended to use the solutions “mobile applications”, “podcasts”, “readings” or “web pages”. The latter accustom the ear and the gaze to the language of Molière.
Remember that it is always easier for a young child to learn to speak French well.

Learning French: is there an age limit to start?: Being bilingual in French: how long does it take?

Time. Always the time …
Is learning a language a process with an expiration date? A question that we also ask ourselves when we want to learn Russian, Spanish, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Chinese, English …
Well no! There is no maximum age to start learning : French numbers, vocabulary, Spanish exercises and Spanish grammar.

Although children can learn French quickly, being an adult has its own advantages

The maturity,
A learning methodology,
The ability to concentrate better,
A personal motivation,
Identify the similarities with the mother tongue: Spanish.
Above all, the adult has at their disposal adapted tools and methods, such as private classes at home, the possibility of traveling abroad to progress quickly, watching movies in VO and being part of conversation groups. Could it be that you are also thinking about an online French course ?
From when can we dream in French?
Dreaming in French = being bilingual?
Do you dream in French?
He confesses that when studying French, dreaming in French represents a kind of threshold. It means that you are bilingual or passionate about this foreign language.
There are no studies that prove that from that moment on, this is possible.
In addition, it seems clear that a simple level of ESO, institute or university is not enough to dream in French VO. Being bilingual or almost seems necessary. Or be in total linguistic immersion.
Not listening and speaking only French every day forces the brain to think in this language without rest. And suddenly, as if by magic, the subconscious too.

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