Everything you need to know before teaching tutoring classes

Everything you need to know before teaching tutoring classes

Everything you need to know before teaching tutoring classes

Blog Tutorials School support The Guide for School Support Teachers: Everything you need to know before teaching tutoring classes

How you can work as a school support teacher
How to declare income as a school support teacher
Will you earn more working in an academy or on your own?
Platforms where you can register as a teacher

Private tutors: how to set the price of your classes

Do you want to know everything you need about the financial and administrative aspects of the activity of a private teacher specialized in tutoring classes? Thanks to this article, you will have the answers to all the questions that may arise.
What options do you have to work as a private teacher, how should you declare your income, how to set the prices of your classes … If you want to know all this, keep reading!

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