How do I declare my taxes?

How do I declare my taxes?

The Tax Agency has enabled a series of channels so that citizens can file personal income tax returns in the way that suits them best.

The Ministry of Finance includes the Tax Agency
Logo of the Spanish Tax Agency.

This entity is committed to modernity, which is why the necessary mechanisms have been enabled to carry out all the online procedures However, you can request a face-to-face appointment at the corresponding Tax Agency office.

From the portal of the Tax Agency you will be able to access your profile of the electronic office, which contains your personal and tax data. From there you can request a draft of the tax return and verify that all the information is correct. If this is the first time you are making the declaration or your personal or professional situation has changed, it is likely that you will have to enter or modify data manually.

If all the information is correct and you have no doubts, you just have to click on “Sign and send” and you will have completed the process.

To access the procedures in the electronic office, click on this link. It is accessed with the DNI or NIE number. For security reasons, they will ask you to also use other elements to identify yourself, such as your reference number or access through Cl @ ve. It can also be accessed with a certificate or electronic ID.

If you have doubts, in the same portal of the Tax Agency you will find a complete manual on how to make the income statement and explanatory videos. On this website there is also a telephone line set up to obtain basic tax information. And if you have more specific doubts, the Agency has launched the WE CALL YOU Plan , to solve all your doubts by phone.

Likewise, there is a section called “Income Report 2020”, a tool that offers you information on the most general aspects to take into account in the income statement.

Therefore, either in person or online, the Tax Agency is at your disposal to help you and resolve any questions related to the tax return. How do I declare my taxes?

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