How long does it take to be an accountant?

How long does it take to be an accountant?

As the preferred route to study accounting and work as an accountant is the university alternative, you should know that if you choose this option, it will take you four academic years (4 years) to complete your degree, as long as it is not a double degree.

requirements to be an accountant
Accounting is a highly demanded discipline in companies of all kinds.

The university degree in Business Administration and Management (ADE) consists of 240 credits, as does the degree in Finance and Accounting. Although their programs are similar, the main difference is that the ADE program seeks to train professionals so that they know how to run a business or take charge of a department, such as accounting. In the case of the Finance and Accounting degree, its objective is to prepare you for investment management, banking, auditing, management consulting and more.

Despite this, we find similar subjects such as:

  • Introduction to Economics
  • Math
  • Accounting
  • Macroeconomy
  • Microeconomics
  • Right

These types of degrees are found in practically all the Faculties of Social Sciences, Economics or Law in the country, both in the public and private spheres.

However, there are universities that stand out from the rest, such as the Carlos III University, the Pompeu Fabra University, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​the University of Malaga or the Pablo de Olavide University, due to their specializations, accreditations, type of teaching or practices in business. How long does it take to be an accountant?

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