How to be ready in time for the Selectivity Language exam?

How to be ready in time for the Selectivity Language exam?

¿ How have time to review before Selectivity ?

If you want to do well, you will have to be motivated!

  • Work steadily.
It is not once the exam dates are posted that you have to check, or even worse, a few days before the exam.
You have to work assiduously: weekdays in the afternoons and on weekends.
It is what you will have to do later during your university studies.
  • Use the school holidays to study.
You will have to practice with tests already corrected or work in groups to make review cards and diagrams.
  • Choose to take private classes if you are afraid of not knowing how to organize yourself.
  • Plan your study hours with precise schedules that you will have to respect.
Prepare your Selectivity Language exam.
Get organized to be prepared on the day of the Language test.

Probable topics for the Selectivity Language exam: 

Can you bet on themes for the PAU ?

It’s the same story every year, everyone plays the game and tries to find out what the likely topics will be: in newspapers like El País, El Mundo and reference pages on education.

Careful! Forecasts are often wrong, so better be cautious and do not play with your future.

Some unusual answers in the Selectivity Language exam: How to be ready in time for the Selectivity Language exam?

Every year, there are numerous pages on the Internet in which the most unusual answers of the Language test are published.

What is it about?

Just gaffes, unusual responses from candidates who at least have the merit of making us smile.

Some of the YouTube videos with silly responses from the candidates reach more than 500,000 views.

A true fashion phenomenon!
Here are a couple of kits:
  • “These writers are all of quality. The quality of their writings is indisputable, the proof is that the statement asks” what are the qualities “of these writers, that is because they undoubtedly have some”.
  • “Dear readers, the topics addressed by poets are not always serious and serious: sometimes they are also a rock!”. How to be ready in time for the Selectivity Language exam?

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