Starting on Tuesday, June 1, the announced novelty will arrive at Google Photos and it will go from having an unlimited space to only 15 GB . For some it will be space to spare, but for others it may be insufficient and they may face the circumstance of having to pay Google to continue using that tool, or start a migration.

But first of all, do not worry if you do not have excessive use of the Google Photos account , this is a measure that will be implemented gradually and on June 1, you will not be affected unless you make use of it. intensive application.

Among the measures that will be taken is the elimination of accounts that are not used, those that have been at least 2 years without movements or login, although those affected will be notified by email before. But do you have to prepare for that date? Yes in your habits, not in what you have saved , because it will not affect you at the moment.

Photos and videos that have been uploaded before June 1 will not be affected by the change in the terms of use, the 15 GB will start to count from that date . Nothing will be deleted or you will have the obligation to switch to payment mode unless you upload a large number of files and you are going to quickly overcome that storage in the Google cloud.

If you want to check how much you are using at the moment , you can enter Settings (button located in the upper right part) and click on Manage storage. Then you will access a page like this where your current situation will appear.

google photos

In any case, as of June 1, Google will notify you in case you approach the free storage limit and you will always have the option to hire more space at the moment. In addition, it will make an estimate of when you will reach 15 GB based on the use that you usually make. The most important thing is that you do not worry in principle, because the change will not take you by surprise, although you should still value changing the place where you keep your photos. How to know if you have to pay for Google Photos from June 1