How to write better in Spanish?

How to write better in Spanish?

¿ How can you improve your Spanish writing ?

Spaniards are not good at spelling.

The PISA study analyzes the performance of 15-year-old students in acquiring basic skills in the 34 OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries.

  • The score obtained in reading ability by Spanish students at the end of Secondary is 481, when the OECD average is 492.

Do you also have language difficulties? Don’t worry, you have time to improve and correct your spelling and syntax errors. Some tips to improve your Spanish:

  • Determine your difficulties. Is pure spelling, punctuation, syntax, or vocabulary a problem for you?
  • Search the Internet for pages with exercises to write well. There are many free pages with exercises with which you can improve your Spanish.
  • Your computer can become your new teacher: take regular tests on the Internet to evaluate your progress.


Improve your Spanish with exercises on the Internet.
Improve your Spanish with free online exercises!
  • Find a teacher to get you up to speed more fully.
  • Use the spell checker when you have doubts about a word.
  • Create cards  with those concepts that choke you the most: passive voice, subordinate sentences …
  • If the new technologies do not convince you, get a good dictionary and a good grammar of Spanish.

Your progress will have a positive impact on your future. If you want to pursue higher education, mastering the language is essential. How to write better in Spanish?

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