Just before Thales’ theorem, the mathematics curriculum contemplates another well-known theorem : the Pythagorean theorem . Students know the Pythagorean Theorem by heart as it is one of the most important chapters in geometry.
Pythagoras, whose name means “announced by the Pythia”, was born on the island of Samos (Greece) at the end of the 6th century BC . The history of the scientist is known only from a few writings after the death of Pythagoras.
Pythagoras was a talented and very sporty student . It participated in the Olympic Games of fight. He had interests in philosophy, history and science and was a disciple of Thales.
He followed in his teacher’s footsteps and left to learn Egyptian and Babylonian sciences. Later, he returned to his island with the idea of founding a school , like Thales. However, he was not well received and was banned from his hometown. It was then that he fled to Greater Greece, where he finally created his school, called the Pythagorean school .
Together with his disciples, the mathematician spent his time proving his theorem:
“In a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs.”
‘ mathematical influence did not stop there. The famous snail of , the table of , the school of Pythagoreans and their teacher revolutionized the context of mathematics.
died around 500 BC