Sports and cancer: personal training against relapses?

Sports and cancer: personal training against relapses?

Sport is also a drug against cancer : adapted and regular physical activity allows “to limit relapses and the possibility of survival by 40%”.
Practicing regular physical activity improves the regeneration of viable cells and reduces the proliferation of cancer cells that the immune system cannot detect.
Unlike in the case of people with diabetes or overweight, intense sports are recommended for people suffering from breast cancer, colon cancer or other types of tumor cells.
The personal trainer plays a decisive role in training, because his program can prevent relapses.
Physical activity and personal trainer will:
Reduce the level of cytokines in the blood and therefore eliminate the feeling of intense fatigue,
Prevent weight gain, a risk factor for relapse,
Avoid the destruction of muscles caused by the disease.
There are many scientific studies that point to the virtues of sport against cancer. Regular physical activity allows:
Reduce the risk of relapse by 50%,
Prepare the body for treatments,
Limit postoperative complications,
Fight tiredness,
Increase the chances of survival.
According to the INS,  the more active the individual, the greater their chances of beating the disease.
A physically active human body releases numerous hormones – dopamine, serotonin, melatonin – that help healthy cells better defend themselves against tumor cells.
Those who think that cancer prevents them from playing sports are wrong: we advise them to see the incredible example of Lance Armstrong and Éric Abidal, high-level athletes who have overcome their fight against cancer. Sports and cancer: personal training against relapses?

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