The words to help you get along in Italian
Do you want to learn Italian, but you don’t know anything about it?: The words to help you get along in Italian
No problem. We propose a list of useful words in Italian that will enrich your vocabulary and that will help you to exchange in Italian.
Yes / Non: Yes / No
Good morning / Goodbye: Buongiorno / Arrivederci
Please / Thank you: Per Favore / Grazie
Right / Left: Destra / Sinistra.
With these words in mind, you know the essentials of Italian. If you want, you can learn the dates, the colors and the figures.
It can be a good way to communicate with native Italians.
To start a conversation in Italian, you will have to know how to say:
I don’t understand: Non Capisco
Do you speak French? : Parle Francese?
My name is: My Chiamo.
Afterwards, surely you want to chat with your interlocutor.
Obviously, each topic has its own vocabulary.
However, on a day-to-day basis, you will certainly need to know the most common words to feed yourself :
Chicken: Chicken
Veal: Carni Bovine
Pork: Carne du maiale
Fish: Pesce
Cheese: Formaggio
Egg: Uova
Pasta: Pasta
Water: Acqua
Coffee / Tea: Caffè / Tè
Pan: Pane.
Once there, you may want to know where the most important buildings are located .
For example:
The hotel: l’albergo
The supermarket: Il Supercato
The restaurant: Il ristorante
The hospital: l’ospedale
Post office: l’ufficio postale
The police station: the police
The bakery: il panificio.
If necessary, use gestures . Italians like to talk with their hands. It has become a habit.
Can’t you make yourself understood? Try switching to another language or use a translation tool (your mobile can be a great help in that case).
Even if you can’t speak Italian well yet, the goal is to talk to people.
Before talking to the statues, take advantage of your stay in Italy to meet Italian men and women.
It is the best way to improve in a language.
Of course, you will not be able to do without Italian classes to perfect yourself in Italian language and culture.