Tips for teaching math to a dyslexic
¿ What do though if your child is dyslexic ? Should we teach him math the same way?
As you may know, dyslexia affects the reading and writing of the affected person. This will even have an impact on other aspects of life, such as memory capacity, concentration or sense of organization. So what to do to teach math to a dyslexic?
We can start by talking about the multisensory approach, which involves hearing, touch, sight and movement. This requires the use of charts on which formulas and colors are inscribed: visual cues help dyslexics to understand, and therefore, to learn mathematics.
With these types of children, it is very important to be patient and not rush. It is important to repeat so that you can assimilate. The alternation of activities is equally important, so as not to spend too much time with one type of exercise. To help you in your structuring need, you have to create an organization model:
- Folders to differentiate math classes ,
- Respect a daily program,
- Use a workbook and a planner.