What does it take to be a firefighter?
If your goal is to work as a firefighter, you have come to the right place. To do this, you must pass some competitive examinations that will grant you a fixed position as a public official . The path to turning your vocation into a profession requires discipline, will, and a lot of preparation. We explain everything you need to know about the profession and what you need to become a firefighter.
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What does a firefighter do?
We can think that the function of a firefighter is only to extinguish fires and fires . Well, nothing is further from reality, firefighters also work to protect citizens in terms of safety and fire prevention . They are very active and indispensable professionals in rescue work in emergencies or catastrophes , such as traffic accidents, floods, rescues, spills, etc.
A firefighter performs 3 types of functions:
- Firefighting
- Rescue of people
- Support in catastrophe or accident
There are different types of firefighters who, depending on the body to which they belong, develop a more specialized activity. We can distinguish between:
- Military firefighters
- Forest firefighters
- Airport firefighters (AENA)
- Regional Firefighters (Autonomous Community)
- Municipal Firefighters (town hall)
Requirements to be a firefighter
Firefighter competitions are autonomous, that is, they are called independently by each Autonomous Community, so they present general and other specific requirements for each autonomous call.
There are a series of requirements common to all firefighter examinations, such as:
We must be over 18 years of age and be in possession of Spanish nationality or one of the Member States of the European Union . In addition, we must comply with the minimum level of academic qualification that is required in the call to which we apply.
There is usually no minimum height for you to take the tests but we must be in optimal physical and psychological capacities to perform the tasks or actions of a firefighter.
To present ourselves to a call we have to present an instance and pay fees where it will be validated if we meet the necessary requirements to be able to present ourselves to the firefighter competitions.
How much does a firefighter earn?
The job of a firefighter is dangerous and risky, but it also has many advantages and good working conditions . Normally they can work for 3 weeks and rest one, or work for 24 hours and rest for 3 consecutive days. As civil servants they enjoy a number of benefits from being a firefighter. For example, they have 40 days off per year, have 14 paid per year and can enjoy salary increases for seniority and experience in the position.
In relation to salary, the salary of a firefighter can vary greatly from one country to another. In Spain firefighters earn an average salary of between € 2,000 and € 3,300 gross per month.
What do I have to study to be a firefighter?
To become a firefighter you must have a series of innate conditions and be ready for the hard work that you will have to do to prepare. In addition to a dose of vocation , you must be motivated because the effort will require your greatest dedication, as well as your perseverance. This is a long-distance race where being accompanied will be the best way to successfully finish and get your place as a firefighter.
For this reason, taking a firefighter exam preparation course will help you prepare super efficiently. You will carry out an exhaustive planning by the hand of professionals who have a lot of experience in preparing this type of oppositions. This is ideal for not going blind.
In addition to ensuring that you will always have the updated syllabus , you can carry out mock tests with standard questions that can be asked in your call and be more than prepared.
As for the physical part, when you do your preparation in a training center, you will be able to count on the support of a physical trainer who will help you carry out your training plan so that you are at the height of the performance that will be requested in the opposition.
Firefighter competitions, what do they consist of?
As we have commented, the calls for competitions are not regulated in a general way but depend on the body that calls them (city council, autonomous community, …). The firefighter oppositions tests consist of two main tests: a theoretical test and a physical test , in addition to a psychotechnical test and, depending on the type of opposition, a driving test or tool handling may be carried out.
The theoretical tests consist of a multiple choice exam with between 50 and 100 questions , but they can also have some development questions and the agenda varies depending on the entity that calls the opposition. Depending on the type of call, we must study a specific agenda in which legislative issues, general issues and issues specific to the position to which you want to access are addressed.
The physical tests to be a are very demanding and require a very high level of preparation since the candidate must demonstrate that he is in optimal physical condition to carry out firefighting and rescue work in emergencies of all kinds.
As they occur in the theoretical tests, the number and type of physical exercises of the tests will depend on the organizing entity and must be completed in a stipulated time.
Essential reasons Why be a firefighter?
In short, if you want to guide your career towards a profession where you will test your courage and your dedication for the most risky situations but that will give you many personal satisfactions and impeccable working conditions, becoming a is your way.
You will make sure to always stay in shape as it is an activity that requires hard physical training. And you will develop your teamwork skills with your colleagues and you will live with them situations that will make you very close.
Successfully passing the tests of the opposition to which you choose to apply, you can guarantee economic and employment stability thanks to your permanent position. You will be able to earn a living helping others, serving society, and making sure that the world you live in is a better place.