What jobs are language arts students predestined for?
Some stubborn prejudices allow misconceptions to enter schoolyards.
Among them, the following French saying “les S conçoivent les cartons, les ES les vendent et les L dorment dedans”, or what is the same, the idea that scientists create cartons, entrepreneurs sell them and writers sleep in them, he summarizes quite well the speeches suffered by those who have decided to go to study to learn the Spanish language and literature .
Rest assured, you will not sleep in a cardboard. The opportunities are numerous after a training, for example, in Hispanic Philology. T Rabajos in the literary world , there ‘s Galore!
First of all, you have to know that all the works that touch writing closely or far must take them into account.
Proofreader, writer or even journalist are professions in which you can put into practice the many skills acquired throughout your intensive learning of the Spanish language .
By the way, journalism is not just limited to writing. Beyond the coveted job of editor-in-chief, you can become a radio commentator, reporter …
Languages are also very present in the center of the education of the baccalaureate of letters, starting down this path can be an excellent prospect for a good number of writers.
Indeed, the jobs of translators, language teachers or everything related to the tourism sector may be suitable for those who have carried out literary studies.
There are also those who love to be surrounded by books: working in a bookstore , in a library or becoming an editor can make them develop in a stable way over time.
Professions related to law (lawyer, jurist, court clerk) also appeal to writers as they require writing and synthesis skills acquired, especially during university training.
Some, with a more poetic soul, will appreciate the jobs linked to the artistic world .
Social sciences such as Sociology or Political Science may also be suitable for you.
The career opportunities are numerous, don’t you think? What jobs are language arts students predestined for?