Where to find Russian classes in Barcelona?
With 1,608,746 inhabitants, Barcelona is the second most populated city in Spain after Madrid and the eleventh in the European Union. Thanks to its cultural, economic, commercial and tourist importance, it has become a city of great global relevance.
For this reason, Barcelona presents a great offer to learn Russian .
For example, the Barcelona A. Pushkin Center for Russian Language and Culture is one of the most important cultural centers in Spain. Along with this, we find the Russian Language Academy Ruslandia, an after-school teaching center, and the Russia House in Barcelona, which helps the development of international economic, commercial and cultural relations between Russia and Spain.
In addition to these centers, you can study Russian at the Language School, as well as at the language center of the University of Barcelona. As in other cities, it is also possible to study the Degree in Slavic Philology or Translation and Interpretation with Russian at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
When it comes to learning Russian, you can always turn to the internet, an essential tool in language learning. For example, it is common to find platforms where the basic tools of Russian grammar are offered , such as Engoi , Learn Russian or Russian for free .
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