How to do sports in the office?
And you, are you lucky enough to be able to go to the gym at noon?: How to do sports in the office?
Working in front of a computer does not imply giving up all kinds of physical activity; coach’s word.
We are going to present you 4 exercises that you can do discreetly in the office while you work. Obviously you can ask your personal trainer for some tips to tone your muscles while you work out.
Legs parallel to the floor : you are sitting in your office. Put your hands on each side of the seat and your shoulders straight. Take a deep breath and lift your legs together vertically and then reposition them parallel to the floor. Then return to the starting position, bending your legs and exhaling deeply. Rest for a few seconds and then do the exercise again 10 times. This will allow you to tone the muscles of your legs and your abs.
On the balls of your feet : as soon as you can stand at work, take the opportunity to strengthen your glutes. Contract your abs and stretch your entire body by bending down to touch the balls of your feet for ten seconds. If you do this exercise several times in a row, your glutes will be stronger and more robust. And of course, no elevators, to go up the stairs!
Arms outstretched : sitting in your seat, with your trunk straight, raise your arms to head level, hands crossed and palms stretched towards the ceiling. Breathe in and out by stretching your palms for 5 seconds. Then lean to the right side for 5 seconds and relax. Do the same to the other side. Perform this series of movements 10 times.
Elevated feet : you are sitting in your office. Put your hands on each side of the seat and your shoulders and back straight. Raise both legs about 5 cm. Hold this position for 10 seconds by contracting your abs and then relaxing them.
Do this exercise about 10 times. You will notice how you strengthen your abdominal waist as well as your buttocks.
By performing these exercises your coach will be very proud of you.