Statistics: online behavior in Peru due to Covid-19
Know which categories of information have the most searches and which are the most used mentions in social networks
The behavior of users on the Internet has had important variations during the quarantine. New search categories have emerged, the consumption of information broadcast by the media has grown, and some platforms dethroned others in popularity.
This information is vitally important to marketing teams working to increase the visibility of their brands. Especially in those niches dedicated to the health sector.
Here are the most important statistics for the Covid-19 situation, so that you can improve your content strategy.
Mentions: Coronavirus and Covid-19 in Social Media
According to Comscore , a company dedicated to marketing research, in March the trend of mentions for the keywords : Coronavirus and Covid-19 , exceeded 29 million in social networks. That represents an increase of 1,972% from March 1 to March 30.
Most come from Brazil (29%), but also from Mexico (23%), Argentina (19%), Colombia (14%) and Chile (11%).
Peru registers only 4% of these mentions, which is a much lower percentage compared to other countries.
According to Comscore data, users, the media and advertisers have used the tags #QuedateEnCasa (15,011 mentions) and #YoMeQuedoEnCasa (32,789) as the main flags during the quarantine. But the hashtags #Coronavirus (96,286), # Covid19 (72,767) and # Covid-19 (46,233) also stand out.
Searches: most popular categories in Peru
A study carried out by the consulting firm Datum Internacional , showed that searches increased in the Health and Government categories during the quarantine.
The most important searches in the Health category are related to the terms coronavirus, covid-19, pandemic, health emergency, MINSA and pneumococcal vaccines. The navigation time went from two to eight hours a day.
While the most important searches in the Government category , focus on the announcements of President Martín Vizcarra, publications of the Ministry of Defense and all the information available on social isolation. The navigation time went from one to five hours a day.
Other categories that also report significant growth are the media (94%) and information from other countries (86%). The most visited portals are:
- TV Peru
- Channel N
- The Republic
- The Trade
- Peru 21
- TV Peru
Most used platforms and applications
The use of streaming platforms such as Netflx increased by 48%.
Peruvians surf social networks 2 hours and 49 minutes more than before the quarantine.
Twitter and Facebook are the most frequented networks. But YouTube and Instagram get 52 more minutes of attention per person each day.
The use of teleworking applications also increased by 7%. Specifically Skype, Zoom and We Transfer.
Users spend 41% more time on pages like Xvideos and Redtube.
However, some popular categories had a major drop . For example: the use of transport applications (-42%), delivery (-38%) and public services (-15%) decreased.
User segmentation
By gender
The scope of searches on health topics increased from 8% to 16% in men. And from 5% to 13% in women.
The Government category, had an equal search performance for both genders, went from 2% to 10%.
The use of RRSS had a variation from 42% to 47% in men. And from 57% to 61% in women.
The scope of the shopping category falls in both genders, but to a greater extent among women (21% to 16%), while men (26% to 24%) would be looking for places to shop to contribute with household chores .
By ages
The searches for information in the media are led by young people between 16 and 24 years of age. Followed by adults between the ages of 25 and 34.
The streaming platforms are also used by young people between 16 and 24 years of age mostly.
But teleworking tools are more used by adults between the ages of 35 and 44.
By state of mind
The Datum International study indicates that users with a low or neutral state of mind are the ones who consume the most information from the media.
While the searches of users with a high state of mind, they are oriented to health issues and they are the ones that most consume the advice and communications issued by the Government.
If your social media strategy is not giving the expected result, try incorporating the most used hashtags from the quarantine to your publications. Remember that Twitter and Facebook are the networks with the best performance in the face of the situation due to Covid-19.
Apply SEO optimizations oriented to the searches that have gained prominence in recent weeks. Take advantage of longtail keywords to quickly position in niches with a good amount of searches and less competition. This will increase your organic traffic.
Use this data to focus your SEM campaigns.
Develop content taking into account the user segmentation that we have provided. In this way you will be able to keep the attention of the readers for longer.