Use mathematics to find out who the main character in Game of Thrones is

Use mathematics to find out who the main character in Game of Thrones is

What is the relationship between Game of Thrones and mathematics ? Apparently none. Except when two math teachers decide, thanks to this science, to define mathematically who is the main character in this series of worldwide success.

It is quite a difficult exercise due to the exorbitant number of characters in the series of novels written by George RR Martin. To solve the problem, the two researchers, named Beveridge and Shan, did not use classical theorems or arithmetic, but rather a burgeoning new science connected with a classical mathematical formula.

They used the science of networks, a scientific discipline whose study focuses on the relationships, links and interconnections between things. In this case, the interactions between the most recurrent characters in Game of Thrones are investigated . This new science can also be applied in physics or biology.

Mathematical riddles
You could talk about this research in math classes, don’t you think it would be interesting?

Using six centralizations and different measurement scales, in addition to Google’s PageRank algorithm, the researchers were able to group the characters into seven different communities. Using graph theory, they modeled their result with vertices and edges .

To find out the results and learn more about the method used by mathematicians, click on the link a few lines above. No spoilers – good read!

As you can see, math and science are everywhere ! At the center of our culture, of our universe … It is a subject full of riches, enigmas and even mysteries, which should arouse the curiosity of students, right?

The youngest can also get started in mathematics and its notions through various educational resources, such as math games, logic games and magic calculations , for example.

From primary to high school, the Ministry of Education could include more fun math classes in its curriculum. Tackling science and math with investigations and exercises on modern events (such as the Game of Thrones investigation ) could surely get students excited about math. After all, it is in their math classes that students can understand the mysteries behind this subject.

At Superprof we suggest that you choose your online math teacher yourself . Use mathematics to find out who the main character in Game of Thrones is

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