What training is necessary to teach the Spanish language?
The questions that appear below are the ones that come to mind when we decide to teach language and we do not know exactly what training we need .
Who can be a language teacher?: What training is necessary to teach the Spanish language?
First of all, you should know that this vocation can arise at very different times:
- Maybe you are students and you are considering what to do with your future.
- You may be workers and you are considering a change of orientation.
- You may also be looking for work.
Be that as it may, in order to present yourself for the professorships , you must first justify that you have the necessary training. What do you need? Well, if you want to teach in Primary, you will need to have a Teaching degree. If you want to orient yourself towards Secondary education, FP or Language Schools, you will need both a specific training in the subject (Bachelor of Hispanic Philology, Bachelor of Romance Philology, Bachelor of Linguistics, Bachelor of Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature) and a Master’s Degree in Teacher Training (or its preceding Pedagogical Aptitude Course).
But there are some more conditions:
As we have already mentioned, the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training is a conditio sine qua non in order to take part in the competitive examinations of the teaching staff ; but there are also other requirements to be met:
- Have Spanish nationality or be a national of a member country of the European Union or of some of the states that have ratified the International Treaties that allow the free movement of workers.
- Be physically and mentally trained to teach in the Faculty.
- Be over 18 years of age and not exceed the established retirement age.
- Not having a disciplinary record of the Public Administration or being disabled for the performance of the public function.
- Not to be a career official or a trainee of the Corps to which he is chosen.
If you meet all these requirements, you can take the opposition exams without problems.
Anyway, you must remember that there are many ways to teach language . On the one hand, you can work as civil servant teachers (for which you will need the competitive examinations that we mentioned before). On the other hand, you can work in private centers, so you will also need the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training or the Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude, but you will not have to pass any entrance exam.
Also, if you like the world of research, why not work as a teacher-researcher? University teaching work is another very interesting way of employment for those who are passionate about the Spanish language. What training is necessary to teach the Spanish language?