Where to find Spanish classes in Malaga?
Being from Malaga by birth or adoption does not mean that you cannot take Spanish language classes.
To find Spanish Language classes in Malaga , the advertisements on boards are still having their good times. The city center, especially Calle Larios or the Paseo Marítimo are full of shops, cafes or supermarkets where you will find advertisements hanging on corks.
In Malaga, as in most large Spanish cities, specialized agencies have been set up in school support , with teachers who adapt to your profile.
In most cities we find a language school (sometimes more than one) that propose to improve the level of a specific language. Malaga is no exception. Each school proposes to learn English, French, Portuguese, Italian and of course, Spanish for foreigners, Erasmus students or who carry out a linguistic stay in our country.
Finally, the Malaga university campus offers students to follow Spanish classes , through the International Spanish Center of the University of Malaga (CIE-UMA), which offers Spanish courses and programs with new technologies and teaching methods. more innovative teaching.