1 \ Module 1
- 1.1. The Spanish Constitution of 1978.
- 1.2. Human Rights in the universal, European and Spanish sphere.
- 1.3. The Government and the Administration.
- 1.4. Territorial organization of the State in the Constitution.
- 1.5. The European Union.
- 1.6. The judicial power.
- 1.7. Examination of the organization and competence of the Supreme Court, the National Court, the Superior Courts and the Provincial Courts.
- 1.8. Courts.
- 1.9. The Charter of Citizens’ Rights before Justice.
- 1.10. The modernization of the judicial office.
- 1.11. The Judicial Secretary in the Organic Law of the Judicial Power.
- 1.12. Bodies of Officials at the service of the Administration of Justice.
- 1.13. The General Bodies (I).
- 1.14. The General Bodies (II).
- 1.15. Syndical freedom.
2 \ Module 2: 1 \ Module 1
- 2.1. Declarative procedures in the Civil Procedure Law.
- 2.2. The enforcement procedures in the Civil Procedure Law.
- 2.3. Special processes in the Civil Procedure Law.
- 2.4. Voluntary jurisdiction.
- 2.5. Criminal procedures in the Criminal Procedure Law.
- 2.6. Fault judgment procedure.
- 2.7. Sponsored links.
- 2.8. The labor process.
- 2.9. Resources.
- 2.10. Place and Time of the Judicial Proceedings.
- 2.11. The procedural acts of the Judge.
- 2.12. Acts of communication with other Courts and Authorities.
- 2.13. Acts of communication to the parties and other participants in the process.
- 2.14. The Civil Registry.
- 2.15. Records of the Registry.
- 2.16. Concepts of judicial file and judicial documentation in relation to current legislation on judicial files.
3 \ Practical cases
You will have the guidelines for you to develop a practical case , proposing its structure and resolution. Campus Training will facilitate you:
- Basic work diagrams with the steps to follow.
- Tips and Strategies to deal with practical cases.
- Possible themes.
- Resolved cases and exam models from previous calls from different Autonomous Communities.
- Support book.