1 \ Javascript Language
What is javascript? Story. How to include JavaScript in XHTML documents. Insert it in the same XHTML document. Define JavaScript in an external file. Insert it into the XHTML elements. The noscript tag. Syntax. JavaScript possibilities and limitations. JavaScript in browsers. Our first Script. Core items. Variables and Types of variables. Operators. Flow control structures. If, If… Else structure. Switch structure. For structure. While structure. Do… While structure. Structure For… In. Use of Arrays through control structures. Functions. Creating a function. Where to declare a function? Call to a function. Arguments. Considerations with the use of functions. Local and global variables. Predefined functions. Text String Functions. Objects. Hierarchy of Objects. Properties and methods of browser objects. Properties and methods of Document Objects. Properties and methods of Language Objects.
2 \ DOM and Events in Javascript: 1 \ Javascript Language
SUN. DOM compatibility between browsers. Introduction to the DOM. Structure of the DOM.Tree of Nodes. Types of Nodes. Direct access to the Nodes. Direct access to XHTML attributes. Other ways to access an item. Not so fast. An example.Properties and methods of the nodes. Get, Set, and Delete attribute values. Create new nodes. Insert Nodes. Clone Nodes. Delete Nodes.Events.What are Events.Event models. Obtaining event information (event object).
3 \ Advancing in Javascript: 1 \ Javascript Language
Form properties. Basic utilities for forms. Get the value of the form fields. Set the focus to an element. Avoid duplicate submission of a form. Limit the character size of a textarea. Restrict the characters allowed in a text box. Validation. Mandatory text field. Text field with numeric values. Option from a selected list. Email address. Date. DNI or NIE number. Phone number. Checkbox selected. Radiobutton selected. Other utilities. Clocks, counters and time intervals. Calendar. Tooltip. Dropdown menu. Image Galleries (Lightbox). Detection and correction of errors. Internet Explorer. Mozilla Firefox. Google Chrome.
4 \ Ajax and JQuery
Introduction to AJAX. JSON notation. Classes in JavaScript. Constructor functions. Prototype. Inheritance and scope. Other advanced concepts. Exceptions Reflection. Installing Server. First AJAX application. Other methods and properties of the XMLHttpRequest object. Introduction to jQuery. Program JavaScript with jQuery. Selection of a DOM element by ID. Selection of elements by the type of elements. Selectors. JQuery object methods. Methods tex (), text (value). Attr (property name), attr (property name, value), and removeAttr (property name) methods. AddClass and removeClass methods. Html () and html (value) methods. Show, hide, fadeOut, fadeIn methods. FadeTo method. Toggle method. Each method. Methods to manipulate DOM nodes. Event management with jQuery. Mouseover and mouseout events. Hover event. Mousemove event. Mousedown and mouseup events. Dblclick event. Focus and blur event.
5 \ HTML5 and css3
Introduction to HTML5. What is HTML5. Resources needed for development. Structure of HTML5. HTML5 tags. Video. Audio. Canvas. Introduction to CSS3. Browser prefixes. CSS3 tags. Edges. Shades. 2D transformations. Opacity (opacity). Opacity (color). Multiple columns. Import fonts. Image processing. Transitions Animations 3D animations.