Advantages and disadvantages of online orientation

Advantages and disadvantages of online orientation

let yourself be helped by a professional to choose your professional future
In order to carry out an evaluation of school guidance, it has to be carried out by a professional. (Source: Netflix)

Being able to exchange questions about orientation or reorientation without having to travel offers many advantages but also has some disadvantages that must be taken into account. Discover the advantages and disadvantages of online orientation .

Advantages of online targeting

  • Counselors availability : since they do not have to travel, they have more flexible schedules.
  • The variety of ways to get in touch: by email, phone, written chat , webcam …
  • The free service : in most cases contacting an online counselor is free.
  • You do not have to travel: this is something that is very practical when you live far from a big city or do not have the means to travel.
  • You save time : by not having to travel, you save precious time that you can invest in another activity.
  • Easy access : it is enough to have a good internet connection and of good quality.
  • Helps you combat shyness: communicating on webcam is easier for many teens than talking to an adult face-to-face.

The limits of this online orientation:

  • The lack of spontaneity : a non face to face with the person directly, that may prevent be a fluid and natural dialogue.
  • You can lose your attention : being in front of your computer, you may be tempted to reply to emails at the same time you visit Facebook or Twitter.
  • The lack of regularity in the sessions : by not having to travel, you can lose the seriousness of these appointments and this lack of regularity leads, in turn, to a lack of follow-up of the student.
  • The problem of the Internet connection, a bad connection greatly affects the quality of the sessions with the guidance counselor.

Keep in mind that although we have started from the performance of the orientation tests, the results obtained do not have to be interpreted as an absolute truth, but they can help you to begin this search and creation of your professional project. Advantages and disadvantages of online orientation

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