The role of the counselor

The role of the counselor

As with any “patient”, the professional must first establish certain bonds of trust with the student in order to be able to determine various factors: their personality, their desires and ambitions, their problems, if any, their abilities, etc. Once this is done, you can get an idea of ​​what the student needs and how to get it, guiding him about his studies, job opportunities, and much more.

For many students, although at first it is not like that, going to a school counselor becomes a moment of security and trust, where they can express their concerns and doubts regarding their educational and / or professional present or future. The counselor must be there so that our children do not lose motivation and, much less, hope, with the aim of avoiding possible dropping out of school at all costs.

A guidance professional can be a psychologist, psychopedagogue or any training that has allowed them to acquire the necessary knowledge to carry out this important task. The counselor will also help to identify learning problems such as dyslexia or dysgraphia and will discuss with the parents the most appropriate solutions. In general, a counselor cares about students not only in education, but also in behavior, which is also one of the main concerns of parents. The role of the counselor

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