Art and mathematics are closer to us than we think

Art and mathematics are closer to us than we think

But, for the most creative and dreamers, you have to know that maths are not only linked to computers!

In the same way we can speak of very strong ties that exist between mathematics and art .

You have to start with geometry , of course. Discipline reigns in drawing and painting! Or how Thales ‘theorem and Pythagoras’ theorem can direct an artist’s career …

From symmetry, to parallelism, to the association of colors, there is only one step. Because yes, drawing and painting are also a matter of accuracy and reflections.

In the same way, we cannot forget about the golden number. In painting, “ the golden number is a proportion that defines that the ratio and the relationship between the smallest and largest part of a work are the same as the ratio and the relationship between the largest part and the whole. »

Or how to make a seemingly chaotic work harmonious!

Leonardo Da Vinci also contributed his two cents to Mathematics.
Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519): essential figure in the history of art and mathematics.

Nor can we forget the genius Leonardo Da Vinci . Genius of math and the arts at the same time. By the way, he was the one to whom we owe the concept of perspective and The Vitruvian Man , resulting from numerous mathematical data. On the other hand, we find the golden number in Italian masterpieces: The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper . Art and mathematics are closer to us than we think

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