How to support your child when choosing his studies and his profession?

How to support your child when choosing his studies and his profession?

school orientation children
Your child is the one who makes the decision, but it is easier with help.

So far, we know that parents must  maintain a strong bond with their children and dialogue with them to know their wishes and be able to help them in their orientation . But how exactly to do it?

First of all, when entering the institute, it is important  to gradually show children the professional world . Studies and work have nothing to do with each other and in 1st year of ESO, they have no idea how a company works or what the “older ones” do.

To help you make decisions, it is therefore necessary to open the doors to the professional world:

  • Tell him things about your work and your professional orientation.
  • Take him to spend half a day with you at work.
  • Explain how your company works: hierarchy, schedules, colleagues, tasks.
  • Ask other family members to do the same so that she discovers different trades and different ways of working.

Afterwards, you can help him  choose his path at the end of ESO, already knowing which are the professions that interest him.

Feel free to suggest that you  do your own search  for information on the Internet, to learn more about some trades. Offer to accompany him to student fairs and job forums or open houses at a school or university that interests him.

You can also help him get to know himself better by  asking questions related to school guidance  to encourage him to think about his future, his personality, and his passions. This is a great way to better understand what he wants and can steer him into the professions that might suit him.

Finally, you can also make an appointment with a school counselor to get the best guidance. How to support your child when choosing his studies and his profession?

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