Master in Event Organization and Protocol

Master in Event Organization and Protocol


Specialize in planning, management and organization of congresses, conventions and events with this Master in Organization of Events and Protocol .

This higher education is 100% online , and allows you to study depending on the time you have, with the continuous tutoring of a prestigious and professional teaching staff in this sector.

objectives of this master: Master in Event Organization and Protocol

The fundamental objective of this master’s degree is to train you to become a versatile professional in the planning, management and organization of all kinds of events , knowing all the details of this profession, especially the specific official, social and gastronomic protocols of each situation.


professional outings: Master in Event Organization and Protocol

This master prepares you to carry out your  work as a professional in the organization of business, public and social events , occupying positions such as the following:

  • Director / a Event
  • Event coordinator
  • Public relations

San Jorge University degree

Once the study of the contents of this Master is finished and your final project has been presented, a committee will assess your work. After having passed the evaluation process, you will obtain your own degree from Universidad San Jorge , which will include the study contents and the ECTS credits obtained, in this case  41 CTS .

In addition, you will have  guaranteed internships in companies .

previous requirements

To access these studies you must meet at least one of the following  requirements :

  • Have a  university degree
  • Be  over 25 years of age  and have a  minimum of three years’ previous work experience .

In the second case, it will be an admission committee that will assess the knowledge and professional experience of the student interested in enrolling in this online master’s degree.

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