Our tips for passing drawing studies
The first piece of advice, before starting your studies and succeeding in your arts curriculum , is, of course, to make the right decision regarding the establishment of arts education . Poor orientation can make you lose motivation for drawing and art in general. Do not sign up for a cartoon course if you hardly know what a comic is, unless you are interested in the subject.
Art studies require a lot of motivation and personal investment. It is almost impossible to study this type of training without having a passion for drawing.
Once admitted to one of these trainings, the first objective is to do everything possible to prepare well for the entry into the labor market. In fact, the point of an art school is not for you to be a big promotion. Higher artistic education aims to give young artists the keys to start a professional career , as self-employed or salaried.
Subsequently, you must compose a professional book, different from the one you use for access, with the aim of making yourself known and showing what you are capable of. This book is made throughout the school career. Therefore, do not hesitate to try new styles and new techniques .
The art school is the perfect place to experiment, lose yourself, and seek advice from professionals. Once outside, you will have to be ready to work, so take advantage of your studies to make all the possible mistakes and learn .
Take the opportunity to visit exhibitions and forge an essential artistic culture for an artist, especially in art history. In a group, with your classmates, cultural outings are also a good way to create new friendships and support networks in difficult times. In addition, ventilating the brain and resting is also the best way to be more available in times of trouble. Don’t forget to relax and enjoy these beautiful student years.