Spanish literature during the Renaissance (16th century)

Spanish literature during the Renaissance (16th century)

What period of literature are you referring to? : Spanish literature during the Renaissance (16th century)

The literary Renaissance is the period that arose in Italy and that developed between the end of the 15th century and during the 16th century and was introduced by Erasmus of Rotterdam in Spain.

During this time, the arts stood out and the sciences were renewed. The Renaissance was characterized by humanism , by the vindication of the classical and by anthropocentrism.

Likewise, although during the 16th century there was a distancing of religion  from the hand of humanism, there are many writers at the end of this century who cling to the literary currents of  mysticism and asceticism , in which the works act as a means to express religiosity.

Literature of the 16th century in Spain.
The Spanish Renaissance: influences and new theories.

What literary genres were cultivated?

During this literary period, poetry, prose and theater were cultivated, although religious literature  was also very important  .



Main most representative authors

Among the most representative authors of the time we find:

  • Garcilaso de la Vega
  • Fray Luis de Leon
  • Saint John of the Cross and his  spiritual Canticle
  • Saint Teresa of Jesus and the  Way of Perfection
  • The guide to Tormes of unknown authorship Spanish literature during the Renaissance (16th century)

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