The Literature of the Golden Age (15th century)

The Literature of the Golden Age (15th century)

What period of literature are you referring to? : The Literature of the Golden Age (15th century)

The Spanish Golden Age refers to the period from 1492 to 1659 (the year of political conclusion of this period, although there are many that mark its end in 1681, the year in which Calderón de la Barca died. ).

The Golden Age of Spanish literature was the period of greatest splendor of Spanish literature , with worldwide significance. Such was the rise of Spanish literature in this century that the period of time covered by later Spanish literary movements (Renaissance and Baroque) are also considered the Golden Age.

The Golden Age or XV Century stands out for the dissemination of literature and humanistic knowledge through the cultivation of popular and non-classical genres. The innovation of comedy also stands out, with the emergence of Lope de Vega’s «new comedy».

Literature of the Spanish Golden Age.
Go to your nearest library to read the most important books of the time. 

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