What does the term school counseling mean?

What does the term school counseling mean?

Among the many services available to Spanish students, school guidance is one of the most important.

The role of the tutor, the counselor and the psychopedagogue.
Bachelor or training cycle? Decide on your training.

The role of school guidance is vital: it is thanks to the advice of the school counselor that a student can find their career path and decide on their future studies. Although many students are sometimes content with a family conversation to choose from, an outside point of view can be especially helpful.

School orientation takes the form of an informative talk and a personal interview in some cases. The objective of these talks is to help the student to know their options and their professional future, in addition to achieving their school success.

The school counselor intervenes at several levels:

  • Help students explore new jobs,
  • Analyze school results,
  • Perform effective retargeting,
  • Help students find a university,
  • Analyze the behavior of the student to increase his self-confidence,
  • Make the link between the school, the student and the parents, etc.

School guidance aims at integration within the school system thanks to a better knowledge of oneself.

Focusing on the personal situation allows a professional orientation more adapted to personal ambitions and avoids having to reorient after the Bachelor’s degree.

Each student can develop an action plan thanks to school guidance  and thus fully enjoy their training. What does the term school counseling mean?

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