What is the ELE?
What are we referring to when we talk about ELE? The acronym ELE means “Spanish as a Foreign Language”. These are Spanish classes taught to students who have a different mother tongue, especially immigrants, tourists, indigenous people, refugees and anyone else who has to learn it for work, business, diplomacy or cultural curiosity. The acronym is opposed to ELM, which means “Spanish as a Mother Language.”
The mother tongue is the language we learn during early childhood and the one spoken by native speakers.
You can study Spanish in different parts of the world, but try in Spain, you can benefit from Spanish culture and gastronomy.
Little history of the ELE: What is the ELE?
The teaching of a foreign language is a question that arises from the 18th century with the different travels and geographical discoveries. The traditional methodology appears just at that moment and will be used until the middle of the 19th century. It will be a method based on grammar and the translation of texts from the original language into Spanish. Oral expression has no place and Spanish is seen as a cultural contribution, spoken by many of the most influential figures of that time.
From the year 1870, the direct method appeared , much less rigid. The original language, used until now to translate the terms, has no place on this occasion. Spanish is used throughout the class. Oral begins to be an option and grammar is studied through deduction.
Between the 1920s and 1960s, we moved to an active methodology , where traditional and direct methodology are combined: the student is the one at the center of learning Spanish. The mother tongue is allowed again in class.
In the 1950s, the structural-global-audiovisual method (SGAV) appeared, which is based on three principles: communication, dialogue and image.
The limits of this method are that it allows you to communicate with natives in a much faster way, but not to understand them when they speak to each other or to understand what the media is saying.
In the 1970s, the communicative approach was developed with the arrival of adult migrants, which sought to respond to their needs .
The method used today is based on the notion of homework. Priority is given to the interaction between the student and the teacher, but also between the students in the class.
What are your goals?
The objective of ELE is always the same: to facilitate the integration of students in the host country.
Students can vary and teachers must adapt according to the type of student body:
political refugees,
Erasmus students,
precocious audience,
adults, etc.
In the case of international students, it is necessary to learn to function early.
Spanish can seem difficult for a foreign student, especially when the mother tongue has nothing to do with Latin. In these cases, you will require great motivation.
Here are some useful Spanish expressions to get you started, translated into English and French.
Courtesy forms
Good morning / Bonjour / Hello,
Hello / Salut / Hi,
Good evening / Bonsoir / Good evening,
Goodbye / Au revoir / Good bye,
Goodbye / A demain / See you tomorrow,
Thank you / Merci / Thank you,
You’re welcome / De rien / You’re welcome,
Sorry / Excusez-moi / I’m sorry,
Enchanted / a / Enchanté / Nice to meet you,
How are you? / Comment allez-vous? / How are you ?,
Well, thank you / Très bien, merci / I’m fine, thank you.
Presentation formulas
My name is … / Je m’appelle… / My name is…,
As it is called? / Comment vous appelez-vous? / What’s your name ?,
I am French / English / Spanish / Je suis français / anglais / espagnol / I’m French / English / Spanish,
I am 25 years old / J’ai 25 years old / I’m 25 years old.
In this more complete article, we will offer you more expressions in Spanish to be able to ask for the signs and move around the city , order in a restaurant or reserve a room in a hotel.
If you live in the capital, do not hesitate to look for Spanish classes for foreigners Madrid on our website.