1 \ Agenda

1 \ Agenda

The  agenda of the Economic Competitions  is made up of  71 topics  that you will have updated, in paper format and online. In addition, in the virtual campus, you will have summaries and concept maps that will help you with your study.

  1. Object of the Economy. Economy and Political Economy. Economy and other Social Sciences: relations and reciprocal contributions.
  2. Methods in Economics. Positive and normative economics. Value judgments in Economics. Discrepancies among economists: consequences for the teaching of economics.
  3. Techniques and procedures in Economics. Models in Economics. Economic variables: types of variables. The index numbers.
  4. Evolution of economic thought. The classical economy. Marxist criticism. Neoclassical economics.
  5. Institutionalism. Keynesianism. Monetarism. Trends and perspectives of current economic thought.
  6. The human basis of economic activity. The concept of necessity. Need and social context. Economic goods.
  7. The development of economic activity: productive factors. The production-possibility frontier. Opportunity cost. Technical progress and economic surplus. The accumulation of capital.
  8. The basic economic problems. Ways of making economic decisions: tradition, the market, authority. The forms of organization of economic activity. Economic systems.
  9. Division of labor and specialization. Economic interdependence and instruments of coordination. Economic sectors and sectoral interdependence.
  10. From barter and the subsistence economy to money and the market. The market mechanism. Demand, supply and balance. Market and resource allocation.
  11. Theory of demand and utility. Consumer behavior. Income effect and substitution effect.
  12. The production function. Isoquant curves and isocosts. Homogeneous production function. The law of diminishing returns.
  13. Short-term and long-term production costs. Economies and diseconomies of scale. Relationship between short and long term cost curves: optimal dimension.
  14. The assumptions of perfect competition. The forms of competition. The functioning of the market of perfect competition.
  15. Imperfect competition and the concentration of capital. Origin and characteristics of the monopoly. The operation of the monopoly market. The regulation of the monopoly.
  16. The oligopoly. Collusion and competition in the oligopoly. Monopolistic competition. Product differentiation, brand policy and advertising.
  17. Imbalances and limitations of the market economy. Public goods. The externalities. Rationality and Paretian Optimums. Efficiency versus equity.
  18. State intervention in the economy: justification and functions. Means and instruments.
  19. The distribution of income. The marginal theory of distribution and its criticisms. Distribution policies.
  20. Income flows in the economy. National accounting. The national product and its measurement. National income and other derived magnitudes. Macroeconomic magnitudes and economic policy.
  21. Aggregate demand. Consumption, savings and investment. The multiplier effect of investment. The aggregate offer.
  22. The public sector and fiscal policy. The income and expenses of the public sector. Financing the public deficit and fiscal policy.
  23. Financing the economy. The evolution of money to this day. Banks and the creation of money. Financing and financial intermediaries.
  24. The Central Bank and monetary policy. Control of the money supply. Monetary policy objectives and instruments.
  25. International trade: explanatory factors. The principle of comparative advantage. The controversial free trade-protectionism and protectionist measures. The Balance of Payments: structure and balances.
  26. International payments and the foreign exchange market. Exchange rate systems. The international monetary system. The European monetary system.
  27. Economic growth and development. Growth factors. Explanatory theories of economic growth. Economic growth and underdevelopment.
  28. The limits to economic growth. Economic consideration of the environment. Sustainable development.
  29. Business cycles. Explanatory theories. Investment and the business cycle. Stabilizing policies.
  30. Inflation, nature, classes and effects. Theories about inflation. Anti-inflationary policies.
  31. The special nature of the labor market. Theories about unemployment. Employment policies.
  32. New technologies, employment and qualification. New technologies and production in industry and services. Technical change, employment and structure of occupations.
  33. Economic crisis and imbalances in the labor market. The black economy. Productive system, unionism and collective bargaining.
  34. International economic cooperation. Economic integration in the European Union: antecedents, current situation and perspectives.
  35. Production and consumption. Consumer society. The transformation of consumption models and consumer behavior. Trends in consumption. Consumer protection.
  36. Welfare Economy. Poverty, equality and efficiency. Origins and evolution of the Welfare State. From the Welfare Economy to the Welfare Society.
  37. Quality of life and indicators. The systemic approach to quality of life. Theoretical requirements of the indicators. The measure of change in quality of life. Towards a global quality of life index.
  38. Evolution of business and entrepreneur concepts. Functions and objectives of the company. Business classes. The company as a system in interrelation with its environment. The subsystems of the company.
  39. The problem of goal setting in the company. Various conceptions of the objectives of the company. The classical conception. The Direction before the objectives. The theory of the organization in the objectives of the company. A project of objectives for the company.
  40. The decision to locate the company. Mechanical location models. The location based on the costs and total returns. Location and economies of agglomeration.
  41. Size of the company. Aspects of the dimension. Optimal dimension. Size and occupation.
  42. The production system in the company. Classes of productive processes. Productivity and its measure. The improvement of productivity in the short, medium and long term. Productivity and quality.
  43. The costs in the company. Cost structure. Analysis of the coverage point. The cost formation process and its stages.
  44. The production planning and scheduling process: serial, commissioned and per unit. New methods of production planning. Development and control of production.
  45. Marketing: nature and evolution. Market research. Market Segmentation.
  46. Product policy. Product classes. The life cycle. The creation and elimination of products. The distribution. Distribution channels: nature and functions. The intermediaries. Channel selection.
  47. The communication policy. Promotion strategies and instruments. Advertising. The advertising media. The media plan.
  48. The pricing policy. Stages and pricing methods. Planning, organization and control of the marketing strategy.
  49. Concept and types of investment in the company. Investment dimensions: technological, financial and economic. Investment analysis and selection criteria.
  50. Risk, inflation and taxes in investment decisions. Investment programming models.
  51. Financing in the company. The maturity period and the working capital. Short, medium and long term external financing.
  52. Internal financing: concept and classes. Advantages and disadvantages of self-financing. Amortization: meaning and financial function. Provisions. Bookings.
  53. The cost of capital. The cost of the different sources of financing. The weighted average cost of capital.
  54. The optimal financial structure of the company. The traditional thesis. The Modigliani-Miller thesis. The optimal dividend policy.
  55. Capitalization systems. Financial equivalence. Income: concept and classes. Updating and capitalization of income.
  56. Loans: amortization methods. Commercial loans: amortization methods. Usufruct and bare ownership.
  57. The decision-making process in the company. Decision types. Consideration of uncertainty and risk. Decisions in open systems.
  58. Planning in the company. Elements and stages of the planning process. Control in planning. Control techniques. Integrated planning and control systems.
  59. The company as an organization and institution. Classical theories of the organization of the company. School of Human Relations and the “human factor” approach. Theory of contingency and the company as a social system. The contractual theory of the company.
  60. Formal and informal structures in organizations. The relationships in the organization. The dynamics of groups in organizations. Conflict, change and development in organizations.
  61. Leadership and management styles. Traditional approaches to leadership. Contingent management models. Delegation and decentralization.
  62. Culture and image of the company. The Z style. Research techniques on company culture and image. Culture and ethics in business organizations.
  63. The communication within the company. Information and communication. Networks and communication structures in the company. Elements for a communications strategy in the company.
  64. Company climate and motivation. Motivation and satisfaction at work. Typology of motivations. Values, attitudes and job satisfaction.
  65. Evolution of the relationships between ownership and control in the company. The technostructure. The integrated company. The relationships between property and power in the integrated company.
  66. Accounting analysis and economic information. Financial statements. Commercial legislation and General Accounting Plan. The annual accounts in the General Accounting Plan.
  67. The patrimony: components and accounting valuation. Economic valuation of assets and companies.
  68. Analysis of financial statements: objectives, instruments and methodology. Analysis of the balance sheet structure. Economic analysis: efficiency and productivity ratios. Financial analysis: profitability of invested capital; risk and financial costs.
  69. Company Social Balance. The purposes of the company: the balance sheet as a social audit. The Social Balance as a management instrument: difficulties and strategic and methodological contributions.
  70. Possible conceptions of a basic and introductory course in Economics in Baccalaureate. The reasoned approach to economic issues as a didactic methodology in Economics. Expository and inquiry methods in the teaching of Economics.
  71. Design and development of a business project. The business project as a didactic methodology in the teaching of Economics and Business Organization.: 1 \ Agenda

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