1 \ Introduction to the importance of Search Marketing and analytics

1 \ Introduction to the importance of Search Marketing and analytics

  • Market context: the importance of Search Marketing and its integration with SEO vs SEM analytics.

2 \ SEO: 1 \ Introduction to the importance of Search Marketing and analytics

SEO basics. Idexability (I)

  • Indexability. Understanding the technical infrastructure of the web ecosystem.
  • Trace and response codes.
  • Tools: Search Console.

SEO basics. Indexability (II).

  • Robots.txt & Sitemap.xml
  • Canonical tag, meta robots
  • Practical case
  • Tools: Screaming Frog.
  • SEO basics. Relevance (I).
  • HTLM Fundamentals.
  • Duplicate content analysis
  • Practical case
  • Tools: Chrome inspecto, HTLM disable plugin

SEO basics. Relevance (II).

  • Microformats.
  • Local SEO & Images.
  • Internal linking.
  • Tools: Checker, Secreaming Frog.

SEO basics. Content (I).

  • Keyword research.
  • Creation of editorial plans.
  • Tools: keywordtool.io, Keyword Shitter, SEMrush, Keywords Everywhere, Answer the public.

SEO basics. Content (II).

  • Information architecture.
  • Practical case.

SEO basics. Popularity & Search Intent (I).

  • PageRank, TrustRank & Popularity.
  • Link pattern analysis.
  • Search Intent & Voice Search.
  • Tools: Hrefs

Carrying out an SEO audit: structure and checklist.

  • Practical case.

3 \ SEM: 1 \ Introduction to the importance of Search Marketing and analytics

Introduction SEM.

  • Introduction to Adwords.
  • Terminology: account, campaigns and ad groups.
  • Introduction to the Adwords interface and how it works.

Campaign creation (I).

  • Campaign structure.
  • Keyword research oriented to SEM.

Campaign creation (II).

  • Ad group creation.
  • Writing of announcements.
  • Campaign creation (III). Bid strategies.
  • Optimization techniques.

Adwords Editor.

Other Campaigns.

  • GDN, YouTube, Shopping.

Practical case. Campaign creation.

Practical case. Campaign optimization.

4 \ Google Analytics & Tag Manager

Introduction to Google Analytics.

  • Technical bases of analytics.
  • Introduction to Google Analytics interface.

Definition of KPIs.

  • Traffic capture (SEO and SEM focus).
  • Contents of greater interest.

Segments, events, custom dimensions & content grouping.

  • Creation and definition of segments.
  • Creation and definition of events.
  • Creation and configuration of custom dimensions.

Google Analytics for Ecommerce.

  • Key Ecommerce metrics.
  • Enhanced Ecommerce configuration.
  • Reports and data in GA for Ecommerce.

Tag Manager (I).

  • Introduction to DataLayer
  • Introduction to the Tag Manager interface and concepts: variables and triggers
  • Installing Google Tag Manager

Tag Manager (II).

  • Implementations: Google Analytics, Scroll and errors

Data Studio and custom reports  (Analytics & Adwords integration)

5 \ Certification and case study

Certifications (Google Analytics & Google Adwords).

Final case real client.  Definition of KPIs and Dashboards.

Final case real client.  SEO strategy.

Final case real client. SEM strategy.

Real client case.  Optimizations and reports. Presentation to client.

Final case presentation.

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