Best Online Dictionaries

Risen from its ashes thanks to digital technology, today the dictionary is a tool that can be easily consulted. No more long and boring searches for words, etymology or expressions thanks to online dictionaries .
The Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy : Best Online Dictionaries
The DRAE includes the words that, in the opinion of the RAE, are of correct use in Spanish, without this implying that the voices that are not included in it are incorrect. On the other hand, it registers a certain number of voices, marked as foreign words, vulgarisms or archaisms, to inform about their meaning.
It contains 93 111 entries and 195 439 meanings. It is undoubtedly an excellent tool to learn the spelling, etymology and meaning of the words that make up Spanish.
Wordreference: Best Online Dictionaries
The Dictionary of the Spanish language of WordReference has more than 50,000 entries and more than 150,000 definitions and examples of use, including more than 5000 voices and meanings of the Spanish from different regions of the world.
And perhaps the most important thing is that thousands of terms and doubts that do not appear in the main dictionary can be found in the questions and answers of the Spanish Only Sub-Forum in WordReference.
Reverso Dictionary
With all its regional variants (from Castilian to Latin American Spanish) and the differences in morphology and semantics between them, in this collaborative dictionary users can add words that are not generally explained in traditional dictionaries: familiar expressions, terms of slang, regionalisms, foreign words …
Therefore, you can also specify the meanings of words and expressions unknown to most, add examples or complete other dictionary definitions with comments.
Synonyms dictionaries
- . Online dictionary of Spanish synonyms with more than 20,000 synonyms of words and expressions to consult.
- Synonyms and antonyms of EL PAÍS . You can check the synonyms and antonyms of any word in their dictionary of synonyms and antonyms.
- . Dictionary of synonyms in Spanish, definitions, words, meanings.
- . Dictionary of synonyms and antonyms in Spanish online 100% free. Best Online Dictionaries