Java Course

Java Course

description: Java Course

This online technical course prepares you to know and develop the essential aspects of  Java and all object-oriented programming , allowing you to grow professionally in the field of application development of all kinds , from applications for local computers to web applications, through mobile apps .


objectives of this course: Java Course

With this training you will learn the general aspects of Java programming and the J2SE platform  . You will train yourself to carry out developments by handling object-oriented programming, working with reading and writing files and controlling unexpected errors.

methodology: Java Course

In  SEAS courses  the student is the protagonist, but he is never alone, since he always learns with the facilitation and continuous support of tutors, coordinators and teachers who offer him personalized attention.

With this training you will not only have access to your  own virtual campus , but also to  completely innovative  and updated material, and to live classes through  webinars .

You will be  able to train at your own pace  and according to the time you have, training you not only on a theoretical level, but also in a very practical way.

professional outings: Java Course

This course enables you to develop your professional activity as:

  • Java programmer
  • Programmer analyst
  • Expert professional in object-oriented programming
  • Applications development


San Jorge University degree

Upon successful completion of the study of the contents and the practice of this  technical Java course  , you will obtain your  own university degree , issued by the  San Jorge University  (6 ECTS credits).

previous requirements

To access the  SEAS technical courses it  is necessary to meet one of the following requirements:

  • First, it is necessary to  be of legal age .

If only this first requirement is met, and not the following ones, at the end of their studies the student will receive a  Technical Course Title  indicating the content and duration of the study in hours ( not ECTS )

Second, if you are of legal age, and one of the following points is also met, the  title of Technical Course will be issued  indicating the content, duration in hours of study and  ECTS credits awarded :

  • Be in possession  of the Baccalaureate degree or equivalent  (also European and International Baccalaureate)
  • To be in possession of the title of  Superior Technician of Professional Training , or Superior Technician in  Plastic Arts and Design  or  Superior Sports Technician .
  • Be  over 25 years of age with at least one year of  accredited professional experience related to the content of the training.
  • Be a  university graduate

teaching materials

The  technical courses SEAS  prepare you to master the basic operations of your area, making it easier for all necessary tools for this. In addition, they give you access to your own virtual classroom.

In the case of this technical Java course, you will use the following software:

  • Netbeans , development environment (IDE JDK) for software development in JAVA language and other languages

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