Master in Digital Business Madrid

Master in Digital Business Madrid

description: Master in Digital Business Madrid

The Master in Digital Business at the Digital Innovation Center will give you the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills to professionalize yourself in the digital and innovation sector.

The focus of these studies is 100% practical , focused on providing students with the methodologies, strategies and tools necessary to work in this sector.

These studies offer the keys to online business to turn their students into professional profiles capable of leading digital projects in today’s companies.

objectives: Master in Digital Business Madrid

Among the main objectives of this master’s degree are the following:

  • Practical training in digital environments.
  • Management of multidisciplinary teams .
  • Learning digital tools .
  • Knowledge of marketing in digital environments .
  • Development of digital projects with a customer centric approach .



This master is aimed at students of the following profiles:

  • Communication and marketing professionals .
  • Journalists focused on digital transformation.
  • Responsible for innovation departments .
  • Entrepreneurs with concern in the digital business.
  • Professionals in charge of leading digital strategies .



The master is based on active learning, with a system that would represent the following percentages:

  • 40% of Cases to solve , learning by making mistakes.
  • 40% of Teamwork with tools to participate and act.
  • 20% of Flipped Learning , with theoretical foundations, conceptual base and debates.

previous requirements

This master’s degree requires face- to- face attendance to its classes, beginning on October 18, 2019 and ending on March 14, 2020 .

Classes will take place on Fridays from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the  Glue Work Building (Calle Edison, nº3, 28006, Madrid ).

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