School guidance: how much does it cost to go back to school?
Going back to studying has its price. In addition to paying for the training itself, you have to take into account that you may not work or will not work as much during the time you are studying. What is the price of going back to study?

We cannot set a price range because it depends on many factors. The first of all is the training you choose and the duration of it. In any case, they all tend to have minimal registration fees . Depending on what you are going to study, you will need more or less material . It is possible that you already have the most basic things, but you always have to buy a book.
On the other hand, we will have to find a way to get remuneration during the time we are studying, to have something to live on.
You can, for example, look for a part-time job or if you have already worked for several years, enjoy unemployment benefit (find out about the conditions).
There are organizations that also grant training scholarships to help you continue with your studies, do not hesitate to apply to some of them to see how the process unfolds.
Faced with the tide of doubts that will surely arise, you can go to your nearest employment office and ask about the options you have. School guidance: how much does it cost to go back to school?