University Expert in Planning Fitness Programs with Personal Trainer

University Expert in Planning Fitness Programs with Personal Trainer


This Superior Course in Fitness Program Planning with Personal Trainer  is the right training for all those who want to dedicate themselves to working in the sports and fitness sector. 

With this higher course you will have materials and tutorials to carry out your training in this field. In addition, it has guaranteed internships, its own qualification from the University of San Jorge (24 ECTS) and payment facilities.

Dedicate yourself to what you like the most and work as a director, manager or coordinator of fitness programs in sports centers or schools.

objectives of the upper course: University Expert in Planning Fitness Programs with Personal Trainer

This superior course allows you to learn to create and plan fitness activities that require a coach to guide the activity. You will be a professional trained to direct, plan and coordinate all kinds of sports and fitness activities. 

You will learn to identify the needs and trends of the market, adapting your establishment and your programs to the demands of customers . You will be able to improve the activities and programs of a gym or sports center or to create and plan your own.

professional opportunities of this higher course: University Expert in Planning Fitness Programs with Personal Trainer

With this training, you will be able to work as:

  • Personal trainer
  • Director or manager in sports , fitness and health centers , both public and private
  • Coordinator of sports offer in sports, fitness and health centers, both public and private
  • Coordinator of technical fitness services in sports centers or companies
  • Director of business in sports centers
  • Aquatic activities technician
  • Responsible for operating activities
  • Responsible or coordinator of personal training



diploma and accreditation

Upon completion of this higher course, you will receive your own degree from the University of San Jorge . In addition, this course gives you 24 ECTS credits . 

previous requirements

To access University Expert courses,   one of the following requirements must be met:

  • Be over 18 years old

In this case, the title of Expert is issued indicating the content and duration of the study in hours. It does not award ECTS.

Or meet one of these requirements:

  • Be in possession of the Bachelor’s degree or declared equivalent. 
  • Be in possession of a qualification of Superior Technician of Professional Training , or of Superior Technician in Plastic Arts and Design or Superior Sports Technician
  • Be over 25 years of age with at least 1 year of accredited professional experience related to the content of the training
  • Be a university graduate or be studying a degree at the San Jorge University itself

If this last access requirement is met, the degree issued will be University Expert. Otherwise, the student will obtain the Expert degree.

teaching materials

The materials in this course have been created and developed by professionals in the sports and fitness sector. In addition to accessing them, you will also have access to continuous tutoring throughout the course.

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