Postgraduate in Advertising Management and Digital Environments [PSDP]

Postgraduate in Advertising Management and Digital Environments [PSDP]


Companies transmit a multitude of messages, whether voluntary or involuntary. And it is precisely in communication “linked to the human factor” where the real difference between success and failure is found in the relationship of companies with the rest of the agents involved in their activity.

The Postgraduate Diploma in Advertising and Environments Digital  ESIC will provide the knowledge and tools necessary to successfully address the challenges of this new information society where the power is, largely in the hands of the consumer and other groups interest. The environment is more complex and demands much more qualified professionals in leadership positions and the PSDC aims to train these professionals.

A program designed to integrate the communication strategy and plan into the general strategy of the company and, thus, respond to its challenges in a global and digital environment. In addition, it integrates an important block of development and skills of DIRCOM that allows participants to face and solve complex situations in diverse environments.

Differential factors: Postgraduate in Advertising Management and Digital Environments [PSDP]

  • Unique with a Digital Lab that includes Open Data & Big Data Analysis for communication.
  • A Master with prestige and reputation in the market.

100% employability one year after completing the Postgraduate degree. 

Some of the companies where the former students work: Postgraduate in Advertising Management and Digital Environments [PSDP]

  • BBVA
  • Pepsico
  • The real
  • Dhl
  • Philips
  • Telephone

Functional areas that occupy: Postgraduate in Advertising Management and Digital Environments [PSDP]

  • 51% Marketing
  • 20% Advertising
  • 18% Communication
  • 10% Sales


The course has a theoretical-practical component based on real cases and practical exercises that will make learning very effective.

The methodology focuses on learning, combining the individual effort of the student and their involvement in teamwork.

Tutors, mentors and teachers facilitate the process of understanding and applying the knowledge / skills.

Methodological criteria

  • Action-feedback-analysis-action projection.
  • Student Centered Learning
  • Promotion of independent learning and critical thinking of the student.
  • Decision making.
  • Individual evaluation.

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