Adjust the price according to the teacher’s profile
To determine the price of photography classes, the teacher must not only take into account the average price of other teachers, but many other criteria come into play.
First of all, a novice photography teacher, logically, charges much less than an experienced teacher. The photography teacher-student, therefore, must set his price in the lower middle to teach basic photography classes.
The specialty and the photographic techniques taught will be what makes the difference:
- Depth of field,
- Long exposure ,
- Photo retouching in post-production or post-treatment,
- Black and white photography,
- Sharpness and focus mastery,
- Framing,
- Manual mode or automatic mode,
- Nature photography,
- Family photos,
- DSLR, etc.
If you have advanced knowledge in a particular field, you will likely reach many students. Our advice: teach classes online to reach a wider audience.
The rarer the discipline, the higher the price. In fact, a specialty that is in high demand will attract advanced students, who are more willing to pay a high price to improve themselves and learn to take photos like the great photographers.
Finally, if your specialty requires specific photographic material, you can also raise your rates.
In short, to earn a living thanks to private photography classes, go for originality with fun and educational classes! Adjust the price according to the teacher’s profile