The best quotes about dancing

The best quotes about dancing

What better than the most beautiful phrases about dance to inspire you before learning to dance? Albert Einstein, Friedrich Nietzsche or HP Lovecraft: the greatest thinkers, philosophers and writers have been passionate about dance. Discipline matters little: a good date can motivate a student during their training, during a review between two dance classes, or during a line dance class.

Dare to dance
Why not be inspired by the greatest to gain confidence in yourself and finally launch yourself to move your body to the rhythm of the music?

Thanks to Superprof, discover the best quotes about dance and its origins:

  • “You were born wild … don’t let them tame you”, Isadora Duncan,
  • “The word divides. The dance is union”, Maurice Béjart,
  • “With her billowy and pearly dress, even when she walks she seems to dance”, Charles Baudelaire
  • “In eroticism and dance, either of them leads to the other”, Milan Kundera,
  • “Don’t you think that dancing is the act of metamorphoses? Paul Valery,
  • “The technique is nothing in itself, the dance begins when we put soul into it”, Leïla Hassan,
  • “You have to have your own music to make the world dance”, Friedrich Nietzsche.

Many dance students are blocked by their shyness – dance quotes are there for that!

Martha Graham is a reference in the field. This modern dancer influences dancers around the world through her artistic works, especially through books on dance. Take into account the advice of the best dancers to overcome your frustrations and dare to dance on the parquet of a dance studio.The best quotes about dancing

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